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  • I-9 Compliance:
    As Easy as 1, 2, 3

    ■ Avoiding common mistakes when completing the I-9 form
    ■ Importance of accuracy and timeliness
    ■ Developing internal procedures
    ■ Conducting self-audits

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Conducting Background & Reference Checks

    ■ When and why conduct background checks
    ■ Types of background and reference checks
    ■ Complying with applicable laws
    ■ Roadmap for considering adverse action
    ■ Responding to employment inquiries

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Effective Communication: Do More Than Hear, Listen

    ■ Define listening and hearing
    ■ Why don’t we listen well?
    ■ Filters- what they are and why they matter
    ■ Diversity in communication

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • ADA: A Primer for Employers

    ■ Governing law
    ■ Definition of a disability
    ■ Essential job duties
    ■ Reasonable accommodation
    ■ Retaliation

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Board of Directors Development:

    Understanding & Applying the Difference Btwn Governance & Mgmt
    ■ Understanding the Board’s role
    ■ Teamwork
    ■ Effective board meetings
    ■ Board skills to strengthen accountability

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Harassment Prevention in the Workplace

    ■ Federal & State Law overview
    ■ Devastating effects on the workplace
    ■ Harassment defined
    ■ Retaliation
    ■ Roles in preventing harassment

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Managing Stress in the Workplace

    ■ Personal tips
    ■ Management tips
    ■ Interpersonal skills
    ■ Conflict management
    ■ Respect

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Workplace Violence Prevention

    ■ What is workplace violence?
    ■ When is workplace violence committed?
    ■ What are the signs?
    ■ What kind of threats should you watch for?
    ■ How can you prevent workplace violence?

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Ethical Considerations in the Workplace

    ■ Workplace ethics defined
    ■ Importance of ethical conduct in business
    ■ Basic ethical values
    ■ Ethical pitfalls
    ■ Decision making process

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Confronting & Coaching the Problem Employee

    ■ Tips to confront
    ■ Importance of effective listening
    ■ Coaching process
    ■ Coaching performance vs. behavior
    ■ Where it goes next

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • FMLA & MT Maternity Leave Act Overview

    ■ Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) overview
    ■ Montana Maternity Leave Act overview
    ■ Leave processes
    ■ End of leave- what happens?

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Change Management: Navigating the Transition

    ■ Difference of change vs. transition
    ■ Three phases of transitions
    ■ Effective communication during change
    ■ Four P’s of change
    ■ Building trust

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Professionalism & Handling Conflict

    ■ Etiquette & Respect
    ■ Understanding what conflict is, and is not
    ■ Supervisor-employee relationships
    ■ Behaviors of difficult people
    ■ Understanding how to resolve conflict

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Discipline & Termination in Montana

    ■ Overview of Montana Wrongful Discharge from Employment Act
    ■ Establishing good cause
    ■ Grounds for immediate termination
    ■ Conducting a disciplinary action

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • HR 101: Short Course in Human Resources

    ■ Recruiting process
    ■ New hire process
    ■ Employment process
    ■ Workers Compensation basics

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Understanding Mandatory OSHA 300 Logs

    ■ Who is required to maintain OSHA records?
    ■ What forms must be used.
    ■ Injury versus Illness and other Criteria
    ■ First Aid versus Medical Treatment
    ■ The 5-Step Process

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Developing the New Leader

    ■ How to put people first
    ■ Honesty with staff
    ■ Building trust with staff
    ■ Transitioning from peer to supervisor
    ■ Delegation

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Mentor’s Guide to Coaching

    ■ Coach defined
    ■ Types of mentoring
    ■ Benefits of mentoring
    ■ Do’s & Don’ts
    ■ Goals & Objectives

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Independent Contractor vs. Employee:

    What is the Difference?
    ■ Federal overview
    ■ State overview
    ■ Three areas of control
    ■ Twenty criteria for determination

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Tips for Managing Your Time

    ■ Time management defined
    ■ Time management process
    ■ Scheduling time and tasks
    ■ Time wasters to avoid
    ■ Procrastination

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Unemployment Insurance:

    Managing Claims & Costs
    ■ Fundamental concepts
    ■ Avoiding UI claims
    ■ Receiving a claim/employer’s response
    ■ Strategies in managing claims

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Interviewing:

    Doing It Right
    ■ Resumes/Applications: How do I handle them?
    ■ Questions: What can I ask?
    ■ Scoring the interviews
    ■ Making the offer

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Facts & Myths of Drug & Alcohol Testing in MT

    ■Who can be tested?
    ■What types of testing can you perform?
    ■When can you start testing?
    ■Where do you get more information?
    ■Why should you drug & alcohol test?

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Conflict Management:

    Handling Difficult Behaviors

    ■ Conflict overview
    ■ Coping techniques
    ■ Ideas to resolve conflict
    ■ Employee basic needs
    ■ Behavior patterns of difficult people

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Workplace Investigation Essentials

    ■ Identifying the need for conducting a workplace investigation
    ■ Knowing the steps to be thorough
    ■ Confidentiality and avoiding retaliation
    ■ Properly maintaining the investigation file

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Documentation:

    The Why & How for Supervisors

    ■Why documentation is so important
    ■Who should document issues
    ■Four main types of documentation
    ■Why you should always partner with HR

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Emotional Intelligence & Effective Leadership

    ■ What is EQ (Emotional Quotient)?
    ■ The five components of EQ
    ■ EQ pitfalls
    ■ Improving our EQ
    ■ Other factors to consider

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Navigating the Multi-Generational Workforce

    ■Generations defined
    ■Changes in how we do business today
    ■Communication and conflict resolution
    ■Advantages of a diverse workforce
    ■Recruitment and retention

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Benefit Administration Basics for Employers

    ■ History of employee benefits
    ■ Benefits mandated by federal & state law
    ■ Selecting employee benefit offerings
    ■ Benefit administration basics
    ■ Communicating benefits to employees

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Wage & Hour Part II: Non-exempt Employees

    ■ Non-exempt employee defined ■ Definition of a work week ■ Hours worked defined to include travel ■ Properly determining and paying overtime ■ Comp time & potential pitfalls

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Wage & Hour Part II: Non-exempt Employees

    ■ Non-exempt employee defined ■ Definition of a work week ■ Hours worked defined to include travel ■ Properly determining and paying overtime ■ Comp time & potential pitfalls

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Wage & Hour Part I: Exempt Employees

    ■ Exempt employees defined
    ■ Importance of job descriptions in determining exempt status
    ■ Paying exempt employees
    ■ Docking exempt employee wages

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • The Montana HR Hour

    * Montana Human Rights Act overview
    * Montana Maternity Leave Act overview
    * Montana Wrongful Discharge from Employment Act overview
    * Establishing good cause
    * Importance of due process

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Making the Most of Meetings

    * Model for superior facilitation
    * Model for successful meetings
    * Managing team potential ahead of time
    * Driving the team to perform
    * Continuous improvement of team results

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Protecting Your Employees

    & Your Organization from Retaliation
    • What is retaliation / How can it happen
    • Culture of Dialogue
    • Penalties for retaliation
    • 5 tips for freeing a workplace from retaliation

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Burnout:

    It’s Real and You Can Help!
    • What burnout means for different people
    • Recognizing what may be burnout
    • How work and burnout collide
    • Mental health awareness in the workplace
    • Helping your employees be less stressed, at least at work

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Understanding Mandatory OSHA 300 Logs

    • Who is required to maintain records?
    • Forms to be used & completing them
    • Injury versus Illness and other criteria
    • First Aid versus Medical Treatment
    • The 5-Step Process

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Harassment Prevention in the Workplace

    • Federal & State Law overview
    • It's devastating effects on the workplace
    • Harassment defined
    • Retaliation
    • Roles in preventing harassment

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Employee Records: Organized & Legal

    • What files do you want to have?
    • Who should have access?
    • Where do you properly store them?
    • When can you dispose of them?
    • Why follow best practices?

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Best Practices for Downsizing:

    Layoffs & RIFs
    • The impact of a workforce reduction
    • Consider alternatives to downsizing
    • Understand the legal implications
    • Help workers cope with the situation

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Conflict Resolution:

    "A Process for Those Who Aren’t Getting Along"
    • Overview of conflict
    • Tips to confront
    • Individual meeting process
    • Group meeting process / ground rules
    • Follow up

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Organizational Culture:

    Creating & Maintaining Your Ideal Workplace
    ♦ Defining your organizational culture
    ♦ Your ideal culture
    ♦ Creating your ideal culture
    ♦ Maintaining your ideal culture

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Social Media in the Workplace:

    What Is an Employer to Do?
    ♦ Policy “do’s” and “don’ts”
    ♦ Discipline/termination for infractions
    ♦ Generational characteristics and differences
    ♦ Tips to confront

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Fundamentals of Compensation Plans

    ♦ The importance of both internal equity and external market data
    ♦ The process
    ♦ Communication
    ♦ Implementation

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Pain Free Performance Appraisals

    » What does an effective performance appraisal look like?
    » Four keys to delivering effective performance feedback
    » Importance of documentation

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Successfully Supervising Remote Employees

    » What to do first for remote employees
    » Working with remote non-exempt and exempt employees
    » Tracking performance and accountability
    » Trust and faith in your team

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Effective Interviewing & Successful On-Boarding

    » Interviewing basics
    » What is on-boarding and why it's important?
    » On-boarding vs. Orientation
    » Stages of on-boarding
    » Building your organization’s program

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Succession Planning:

    Planning for the Future of Your Business
    » Why it is so important
    » What you need to know going in
    » Steps in succession planning
    » Communication of the plan
    » Challenges to effective succession planning

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Employee Handbooks: To Have or Not To Have

    » Why have an employee handbook?
    » What should an employer consider when putting together a handbook?
    » Does the law require any policies?
    » What policies should I have?

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Effective Presentation Skills

    » Classroom management
    » Personal management
    » Presentation communications checklist
    » Handling questions & answers
    » Mistakes to avoid

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • New Hire Orientation:

    The Key to Effective Hiring & Retention
    » What to do before the first day
    » What to do on the first day
    » Follow up meetings during the first 3 months
    » New employee “mentoring” program

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • When HR Intersects with Payroll:

    The Technical Side of Paying Employees
    » Learn about the five areas where HR and accounting intersect.
    » Keep compliant with wage and hour laws.
    » Learn to handle/document time off situations.

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Affirmative Action

    - Your Responsibilities
    » Who needs an Affirmative Action Plan?
    » What do you do with the plan once you have it?
    » Painless ways to stay in compliance
    » Related reporting

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Writing Effective Job Descriptions

    » Define the purpose of job descriptions
    » Identify the key elements
    » Gather/organize necessary information
    » Write complete, accurate, and objective job descriptions

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Professionalism, Respect & Diversity

    in the Workplace
    » Ten commandments of good manners
    » Cost of rudeness
    » Telephone, cell phone & email etiquette
    » Benefits of diversity

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • What Employees Really Think

    -And How Best to Use That Information
    » Why it’s important to know
    » Methods of finding out what employees think
    » The good, the bad & the ugly
    » Considerations in communicating results

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Effective On-Boarding:

    The First Step in Employee Retention
    » What Is It & Why Is It So Important?
    » On-Boarding vs. Orientation
    » Stages of On-Boarding
    » Things to Consider in Building your Org’s Program
    » Tips & Tricks to Maximize Your Success

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Customer Service Niche

    * Quality customer service defined
    * Fantastic service components
    * Effective communication
    * Dealing with angry customers
    * Moments of truth

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • The Importance of Strategic Planning

    • Understand why organizations plan
    • Facts and fiction about strategic planning
    • External environmental scans
    • Internal environmental scans
    • Process

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Sales Success: Cold Calls & Closings

    • Sales process overview
    • Skills for success
    • Cold calling process
    • Importance of effective listening
    • Closing the deal

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Recruitment & Retention

    - Key Strategy to Win With New Hires!
    • Preparation
    •Targeting applicants & marketing opening
    • Screening applications and candidates
    • Selection & offering the job!
    • Orientation, training & performance management

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • How to Build an IT Security Culture

    • Many reasons security awareness fails
    • Creating an awareness culture vs. a compliance culture
    • Practical steps to creating an IT security culture in the workplace

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Safety: A Business Decision

    Talking Dollars & Cents
    • Measuring safety performance
    • Direct and indirect costs of incidents
    • Costs of below average safety performance
    • Consequences of poor safety performance

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Resolving Conflicts is Your Choice

    • Overview of conflict
    • Culture of Dialogue
    • DiSC Profiles & how understanding who we are can help resolve conflict
    • Emotional Intelligence & why it helps
    • Ideas & tools to help you resolve conflict

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Project Management Part II:

    Project Implementation
    • Project team development
    • Troubleshooting
    • Project evaluation & wrap up
    • Multiple project management

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125

  • Project Management Part I:

    Planning Your Project
    • Analyzing the project
    • Scheduling the project
    • Contingency plans
    • Pitfalls to avoid

    $155 for 90 day access

    AE Member Price: $125